
Work Tonight

Gotta work in 5 minutes. Work consists of an hour, every Tuesday evening. I know, it's a stretch, but it's about all we can handle for now. Last week some of my fellow employees had an interesting discussion on evolution and the origin of life. Many of them claim that evolution is "provable", so tonight we might not go there, if you know what I'm sayin'. Pacific is a place where post modernists rule. It's pretty much a free for all. It's always fun, and always keeping you on your toes. More later.


Anonymous said...

Yay for evolution. I suppose it's provable if you ignore the blatant statistical improbability. Then again, all those half-man, half-monkey's running around that we see could throw a wrench in the works.

Oh wait...

Jon said...

Yeah, what ever happened to those half and half things?

Anonymous said...


there never were half-man, half-monkeys. monkeys represent a different line in evolution (therefore your half-man/monkey isnt even something evolution proposes). our ancestor (who might have shared an earlier ancestor w/monkeys) died out because we usurped them in the process.

keep in mind statistics are only man made things- math isnt inherent, it is a construction of the human mind. math and stats are human attempts to make order of things we see. whenever we cant understand something why do we chalk it up to a deity?

Anonymous said...

That doesn't change the fact that it's statistically impossible for evolution to take place, impossible for every step needed for life to exist to succeed. I don't care what you call how we describe the chances or what quantifiers we use. You're avoiding my point. Life is too complex for it to just happen. If you stop and think about that, do you really think it could happen? Life and everything that existed on this planet just happened? The billions of people and billions of species of plants and animals happened just because a few molecules bumped into each other the right way?

Jon's called it the biggest lie the world has ever known. I'm inclined to agree.

Anonymous said...

anyone who says it "just happened" is ignoring the fact that it DIDN'T "JUST HAPPEN!" there are physical laws of matter that have governed every single step of our evolution. so you must stop saying it just happened. you don't question gravity which is also (like evolution) based on purely material causes. or do you think god makes things fall down too?

i am inclined to agree w/richard dawkins, who says those who don't believe in evolution are living in a fairy tale land.

Anonymous said...

And where did the laws that govern the universe come from, Terry? The universe is not eternal. Even you should agree to that. Scientists all over the place predict both the beginning and the end of the universe, many times in actual years. If the universe isn't eternal, than neither are the laws the govern it. So where did the laws and forces that guided evolution come from? Something had to "just happen" if nothing in this universe is eternal.

Anonymous said...

those laws come from humans.

you must distinguish between the idea of a law (which is a human invention) and the physical properties that govern matter (which are just part of matter). those laws just happened in the same way matter just happened.

Anonymous said...

"Matter just happened". Isn't that what I've been saying? That everything we see around us just happened, according to you? That seems like a pretty bold statement to me. I don't think I can buy into that. I look around at the world and don't see how something so complex could just spring out of nothing on its own.