Made it to the airport with nothing more than two sore butt-cheeks. Flight was good. I sat next to a very interesting 26 year old gal from Hillsboro who was reading about Zen, Falling in love, and insisted on talking about how bad George Bush was and is. She could not believe it when I told her I support him. More questions pursued about the things I like about him, or rather, the things that he has done that I approve of. I listed many, she had a hard time rebutting some of them. That was interesting. I sat around the Honolulu airport for a couple of hours waiting for my old wrestling coach to arrive. I’m struggling with what to call him. It sounds weird to me to call this guy my friend, and, clearly he is. He has been my wrestling coach all through college and I enjoy traveling and chatting it up with him. The weird part of this is the simple fact of age. He is 70+ and I’m 26. So I was trying to explain what I was doing on Oahu to this girl, and she was confused when I said “my old wrestling coach.” Seems I should be calling him my friend, but I don’t want people to freak out when they see him, that he’s 70 and all. Hahahaha Wed evening was spent up at One Love Ministries with my old pastor Waxer Tipton. He’s doing his route 66 Bible study…that is, teaching through the 66 books of the Bible in a year. That’s nuts if you ask me. He is an amazing speaker. As with the current tradition of eating out after our gatherings at Ethnos, A bunch of the mid-20’s crowd went to a bar to eat following the Bible study. I had left my computer and bag in David’s jeep, only to find that his jeep had been towed in the hour it took to eat and visit. I thought it was stolen. That would have sucked. This is the second time this has happened to me…..IN THE SAME PARKING LOT. The last time was with my buddy Chris. And again, the last time I had all my gear in the car too. This time it cost $182.00, and it was only gone for an hour. Dawn Patrol tomorrow morning! Aloha

My boy Chris Wallick
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