I sat there for about 5 minutes, soaking up the silence. There were no cars driving, The sun was just over the eastern mountains of the island, and I could hear no one. Just like that it was easier to breathe! I was picked up shortly after by Candace, Aisha, and Megan and we all cruised up to Coffees of Hawaii to score some coffee, grind some poi bagels and talk story.

These girls are great!!!! Megan and I cruised down to the “Wherehouse” (Calvary Chapel) and met up with all the old Moloka’i church Ohana. (Ohana = Family). I was stoked as stoked gets!!! I’m tellin’ ya, these people great!! My cheeks hurt from smiling too much…and I like smiling, so…I’m talking LOTS of smiling! Yeah. I was stoked to hear Teva and the Band layin it down with the worship music. These guys have a deep pocket, and Teva is an incredible worship leader! I haven’t been able to clap my hands while singing for the past several months, seeing how I’m playing bass and all, Worshipping without the bass guitar in hand was nice! I’m always amazed at the simplicity of things over here. Most people can hear God’s voice a little more clearly on Moloka’i, being that the “neon” of the city is gone, and we get to see the simplicity of life as it used to be. Following church, I met up with Teva and Taoa (his boy) and he headed to Halawa Valley,

surfed there for about an hour…it was junk, so we left and headed back to Rock Point

where the wind had just turned off-shore, and the waves were firing. I got doughnuts on the first two waves, but it was fun anyways. We ended up surfing for about 3 hours, until the sun started to set. We loaded up and headed back to Candace’s house up in Kawela. The pad is sick, with an unreal view of Lanai, Maui, and about a 5 mile stretch of the south shore of Moloka’i.

Aloha again!
Just found your site and am thrilled to catch up on what you are doing. Great pix. Great people. Great fun. It was good seeing old coach in the group. thanks for the fun. Daddo
You go too far.
Braddah Dick
Nobody reads this thing Dick..C'mon man. Going too far....hahahaha
You don't get it. It's not that no one reads this or cares. The point is that you know WE CARE and you blab on anyway. Not funny.
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