This is cool on many levels. First of all, it's always neat to find old things, I mean REALLY old things, particularly those that have not been seen since they were buried and have been for centuries. I equate it to finding GOLD or DIAMONDS. Secondly, Israel is a hotbed of historical and achaeological digs, and people routinely find ridiculously neat artifacts, which are Priceless. Thirdly, It validates what the Bible claims through the uncovering of TANGIBLE historical evidence.
kinda confused about this post- do they think they found agrippa I or antipas? both were kings around that time, but they both had vastly different historical evidence that already backed their claims to being genuine.
this find wouldn't do anything more to verify the bible anyway, seeing as these men were accepted as (genuine historical characters BEFORE their tombs were found due to their being mentioned in historical sources OTHER than the bible. to say it does validate what the bible says is overreaching. just finding out that someone existed in the past DOES NOT verify the acts and events attributed to them in a book. the events could be made up while the characters were real people. historical fiction...)
but yes, it is damn cool.
It verifies the Bible because of how it fits together with other historical texts of the day. Josephus also writes about this, and comments on many other people and events that take place in the Bible. The proof is in the pudding man. How many things have to line up before it's accepted by you? Would you also discredit the works of Josephus??? They too mention "Bible" things.
from wikipedia:
"A careful reading of Josephus writings allowed Ehud Netzer, an archaeologist from Hebrew University, to confirm the location of Herods Tomb after a fruitless search of 35 years - atop of tunnels and water pools, at a flattened desert site, halfway up the hill to the Herodium, 12 kilometers south of Jerusalem - exactly where it should be according to Flavius Josephus."
What does this mean? It means that the writings of Josephus hold water, and since Josphus' works support what the Bible claims, it only goes to verify the Bible all the more.
By validating The works of Josephus, you are giving credit to the Bible.
I think it is the tomb of Herod the Great. Father of all the other ones.....
i am not saying it isn't the tomb of herod. i am saying that just because you find his tomb, that doesn't validate the things the new testament says about him. the NT talked about his life, not his tomb.
terry. he stole this from my blog. much like when i steal from your blog.
i kinda giggle when anyone quotes josephus as definitive proof the bible is true.
terry. how many things need to line up before your eyes are open to the fact that jesus is coming back on a cloud and will judge your evil deeds and find you guilty because you didn't intellectually conceptualize the fact that josephus proved the bible is the infallible word of god. god wrote a book and it is called THE BIBLE. can it get any simpler?
thanks for the post JZ!!
I think I detect a note of sarcasm in that post...
yup, me too.
in fact, it screams "i am mocking you, jon."
geeee whiz. You've got to be kidding me...Are you sure? Are you sure Terry? Are you?
first of all, all you geniuses in the house. Yeah, the two of you. I didn't say it proves the Bible, the Bible stands on its own. I said it "validates."
Validate - "To establish the soundness of; corroborate. See Synonyms at confirm."
Hahaha, that's funny. Good call.
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