I'm so stoked on how God is just hookin it up! Check this out all yall. Braddah J just scored a new pad. I will be house sitting indefinitely. This thing is sick. There are 10 acres in the back yard, No close neighbors, and it's gonna be unreal come BBQ time. If I really owned this property, I'd be set for life. The owners are considering selling since their father just died, but that might be two years from now. So, in the meantime...Who's ready to roll?
Dude, you could rent out some rooms and make some bank.
Jon, I am STOKED about the new place. Just think.... night games in the field, not worrying about noise levels... house parties!!!
holy crap what a rad looking place. you wouldn't even have to play board games for game night anymore! you could invent all new OUTDOOR games.
PS you're right down the road from me...
C'mon with your bad self. Wednesday night, I think we're going to give it a go. Just cruise by anytime! We could paintball in the field, but isn't there something about shooting paintball guns inside city limits.....????
We got the BBQ hooked up too!!
What time is it?
nice! when's the bbq???
Dude I'm all about the paint ball party.
That's freakin' bigger than the farmstead I grew up on! And I'm from freakin nowhere, ND!!!
The house has been unreal! I'm so stoked on it you don't even know! You are all welcome anytime. We'll have the xtra bed together by the end of the week (2nd week in May).
Ya heard?
Dude, I'm up for some BBQ action!
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