
Braddah J got a job

Thanks for all the prayers! It's now official. Jon is gainfully employed with the Banks School District. He will be teaching mathematics (most likely Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry classes), he is also the new head wrestling coach at Banks High School! Stay tuned for updates.

Mahalo Ke Akua


Anonymous said...

Congrats, man. The job search can be long and troublesome, so I'm glad you've got one lined up. Although, I had little doubt you would find one. Any school would want a tank working for them.

Don't go too hard on those punk teenagers who will be wrestling for you.

Linger said...

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! More butter to ya!!

Also, I love the new header.

Paulos said...

shoots bruddah

Linger said...

*keep cool


Anonymous said...

Sick like a butter stick. :)

Congratulations man. That will no doubt be the most fun any kid will have wrestling. Butter when they get off the mat? Butter when they finish conditioning drills? Butter when you see them in the hall? It should be an awesome thing to behold.

To the spread of butter!

Jenn Sanders said...

Nice! That is so great! I am very happy for you!

Anonymous said...

congrats! and you didn't even have to move away from oregon.

Ashby said...

AH HA HA HA HA troy's response provided the most amazing visual EVER.