Made the drive, rounded up the necessities..

Not enough money.
Back to The Dalles to withdraw more, +$2.50 service fee. ah
Now back to the reservation! At one point I busted out the line "What kind of stuff do you have under the counter". This brought back memories!!!
The drive back is the weird part of the story. Everything going great, we get back on 84 and head for Portland. We'll Ian never bothered to check the gas. We're on E...actually, well below E, and apparenlty we had been for some time. 40 miles from the nearest gas station, what to do? After about 30 minutes at 60 mph (the speed at which we thought we would get the best mileage) we pulled into Multnomah Falls and begged several people for gas. None had any! We got back onto 84.
Then we see the sign for Corbett, low and behold, there is a gas station in Corbett, albeit 1 1/2 miles straight uphill. So off we go in search of gas for a truck that has gone way too far already. Little did we know the gas station was already closed. It was actually a convenience store with a half pump in the front by the porch.
Decided to ask some locals. Ran into a fire chief who was mowing his lawn with his last tank of dice there either...
Enter Steve.
Steve pulls up on his cherry red Titan motorcycle. Very nice! He is a rock sold believer, works 50 yards from Ian, and is excited about cruising to lunch with us in the upcoming weeks! Steve calls his girlfriend, her cousin jumps on his Harley with a gallon of gas in his side bag, rolls over to us 20 minutes later, tops us off (not really) with this gallon, and sends us on our way!
Steve is my man of the week.
Despite the trip taking 5 hours with no food. We realize the trip was a total encouragement to us and Steve and a confirmation that Braddah J.C. is large and in charge.
I'm amazed at God's provision and the Body of Christ.

isn't it ironic that you are so anxious and eager to praise jesus for helping you out of a jam when you ran out of gas going to buy illegal fireworks?
hahahaha. We didn't run out. Simply pulled over to get gas, before running out. Yes, irony, but no.
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